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Secure SIM

Instructions and how to guide

Controlling Incoming Calls

Controlling incoming calls

trueCall Secure offers four levels of protection against unwanted incoming calls so that you can choose the most appropriate for your situation. The default Shield option meets most peoples’ needs and can block around 95% of unwanted calls., but if you need further protection then other options are available – these are particularly effective for very vulnerable people and dementia households:

Voicemail Protect - Unrecognised callers are sent directly to voicemail without your phone ringing. Legitimate callers can leave a message, but telemarketers and scammers generally don’t.

Trusted Access – Only calls from callers on the Allow list can get through, all other callers are asked to hang up and call the daughter/son/carer/neighbour

Carer Check - Only calls from callers on the Allow list can get through, all other callers have their calls redirected to the daughter/son/carer/neighbour who can speak to the caller and if appropriate conference in the trueCall SIM user

Managing trueCall

  • trueCall holds two lists of phone numbers - your Allow list (the phone numbers of people who you are always happy to speak to - friends, family, etc.), and your Block list (phone numbers of people you don’t want to speak to - call centres, etc.). You can put numbers onto your Block and Allow lists using the app or Internet Control Panel. You can import contacts from your phone into your Allow list, and if you already have a trueCall device protecting your landline you can import its Block and Allow lists.
  • You can monitor and manage your trueCall SIM online using your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can review the calls that have been received and see how they were handled (even the calls that were blocked), change your call handling option, and amend various other settings. You can access your Internet Control Panel at you can use trueCall's free app - 'My trueCall SIM' on your smartphone or tablet.
  • You can personalise many of trueCall’s announcements by recording them in your own voice using your own choice of words. This includes your greeting and your screening announcement.
  • Your trueCall SIM card is set up so that it will start  protecting your phone as soon as it is plugged into your phone, but we recommend that you spend a few minutes personalising it up at the Internet Control Panel – setting up your Allow list, and selecting the call handling options. You can keep your existing mobile phone number and transfer it to your trueCall SIM – we will handle this for you.


trueCall SIM pricing is set to be just a few pounds more per month than a regular monthly mobile phone contract fee from a main operator.

All trueCall SIMs offer unlimited calls and text messages to UK landline (01, 02 and 03) and mobile numbers, and you can select the amount of data that you want:

    Unlimited calls and SMS messages (UK), no data

   £18.00 per month

    Unlimited calls and SMS messages (UK), 2Gb data

   £20.50 per month

    Unlimited calls and SMS messages (UK), 4Gb data

   £23.00 per month

    Unlimited calls and SMS messages (UK), 10Gb data

   £31.00 per month

There is a one-off £20 activation fee with all options.

The contract is  rolling monthly contract so you are not locked in. The trueCall SIM uses whichever phone network gives the best signal at the time. If you already have a mobile phone your existing phone number can be ported to the SIM card.




Trusted Access


Carer Check